Hiccup - Templates for Clojure
The example below implements the HTMX lazy loader demo using kit-clj with Hiccup.
1(ns jmn.as.web.routes.ui2 (:require3 [jmn.as.web.middleware.exception :as exception]4 [jmn.as.web.middleware.formats :as formats]5 [jmn.as.web.htmx :refer [ui page] :as htmx]6 [integrant.core :as ig]7 [reitit.ring.middleware.muuntaja :as muuntaja]8 [reitit.ring.middleware.parameters :as parameters]9 [hiccup.page :only (html5 include-css include-js) :as p]10 ))11
12(defn head [title]13 [:head14 [:title title]15 (p/include-js "https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@1.9.10/dist/htmx.min.js"16 "https://unpkg.com/hyperscript.org@0.9.12"17 "https://cdn.tailwindcss.com")])18
19(defn get-page [{:keys [title] :as attrs} body]20 (p/html521 (head title)22 [:body [:main attrs body]]23 ))24
25(defn image-loader [request]26 (page27 (get-page {:title "foo"} [:div {:hx-get "/graph" :hx-trigger "load"}28 [:img {:src "/img/bars.svg" :width 150 :alt "Result loading"}]29 ])))30
31(defn image-tokyo [request]32 (do33 (Thread/sleep 1500)34 (page35 (get-page {:title "foo"} [:div36 [:img {:src "/img/tokyo.png" :width 150 :alt "Tokyo stats"}]37 ])38 )))39
41;; Routes42(defn ui-routes [_opts]43 [44 ["/" {:get image-loader}]45 ["/graph" {:get image-tokyo}]46 ]47 )48
49(def route-data50 {:muuntaja formats/instance51 :middleware52 [parameters/parameters-middleware53 muuntaja/format-response-middleware54 exception/wrap-exception]})55
56(derive :reitit.routes/ui :reitit/routes)57
58(defmethod ig/init-key :reitit.routes/ui59 [_ {:keys [base-path]60 :or {base-path ""}61 :as opts}]62 (fn [] [base-path route-data (ui-routes opts)]))
Button with Tailwind CSS
1(defn button2 [{:keys [text classes attrs] :as options}]3 (let [existing-classes "text-white bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-800 focus:ring-44 focus:ring-blue-301 font-medium rounded-lg text-sm px-5 py-2.5 me-2 mb-25 dark:bg-blue-601 dark:hover:bg-blue-700 focus:outline-none dark:focus:ring-blue-800"6 all-classes (str/join " " (concat (.split existing-classes " ") (str/split classes #" ")))7 all-attrs (merge {:type "button", :class all-classes} attrs)]8 [:button all-attrs text]))
Is called with:
1 (button {:text "Hello World!"2 :classes "mx-5"3 :attrs {4 :hx-confirm "Sure?"5 :hx-post "/submit"6 }})